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Episode Description

What We Discuss with Eve Ben Ezra:

  • 00:00 Introduction
  • 03:10 A bit about Eve
  • 04:05 Eve’s 2nd Kubecon
  • 04:43 About Eve’s talk at Kubecon
  • 05:29 What is GitOps?
  • 06:28 What is Argo CD?
  • 07:19 What is OPA?
  • 07:34 Why NYTimes has a development platform?
  • 09:14 Challenges with implementing a shared infrastructure
  • 11:17 Feedback is one of the challenges
  • 12:19 Using OPA gatekeeper
  • 13:30 When should developers get feedback in GitOps operational framework?
  • 14:52 What does local feedback to developers look like?
  • 15:54 What is Conftest?
  • 16:24 How do people get started with OPA?
  • 18:32 Making security more accessible for developers
  • 23:02 Managed or self hosted Kubernetes deployment
  • 24:09 How to get started with this?
  • 25:08 Starting with OPA vs Starting with CICD
  • 25:35 Where can you start learning about Kubernetes?
  • 28:10 The difference between CI and CD

THANKS, Eve Ben Ezra

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